#lamostraincasa - Immagini femminili

The exhibition Women. Corpo e immagine tra simbolo e rivoluzione (Women: Body and Image between Symbol and Revolution), which ended at the end of 2019, is back in the spotlight thanks to the publication of the video entitled "Immagini femminili" (Women's Images)
made on the occasion of the exhibition with precious images collected from 1927 to 1965 by the Archivio Luce.
The representation of women, their role and their presence in the world of work. A true visual memory of almost a century of our country. Female images to be discovered, shown and valued along a chronological line: from the woman who fought but was subject to male authority during the Fascist regime; to the women, hard-working ants, called upon to carry out tasks reserved for men in the factories; to the collaborators and conquerors of the second post-war period, up to the women who, proud and happy in line for the ballots, go towards winning their rights.
The story tells of the "new" woman in the years of the economic boom who moves towards full emancipation, for whom notoriety was the step towards economic autonomy, and, in the 1970s, the militia of proud women who take to the streets to demonstrate, protagonists of a civil mobilisation for a country that had deprived them of their identity and driven by a common desire to obtain an active role in society.
> Video Immagini femminili