Premio per Roma - I edizione

In 2019, the Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali, the Istituto Nazionale di Studi Romani and the Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma launched an art competition for young artists called PREMIO PER ROMA.
The competition entailed the creation of a work of art with the city of Rome as its privileged and inspirational subject, with no exclusion of artistic techniques and languages.
The Prize was aimed at young artists from the State Fine Arts Academies, with specific technical and theoretical training, so as to be able to enhance the national artistic heritage as well as the ability and creativity of the young artistic generations with already defined technical, methodological and cultural preparation and training. The prize was divided into two sections, the first reserved for those attending the three-year and/or two-year specialised courses, and the second for graduates who have not been in school for more than 7 years and are under 30 years of age.
The two winning works have been acquired by Roma Capitale, Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali, thus contributing to the implementation of the Capitoline collection of contemporary art which, in recent years, has had a new and more vital impetus, and are currently on display at the Galleria d'Arte Moderna in Rome as a testimony to the first edition of a Prize which has been a great success in terms of participation and which has further strengthened the creative and training process of the institutions involved.
Judging Committee, formalised by the promoters, composed of: Alberta Campitelli, Claudio Crescentini, Dalma Frascarelli, Gianfranco Notargiacomo, Federica Pirani and Claudio Strinati.
WINNER I SECTION: Bogdan Cota, The Seed, marble, paper and pencil, 2019
motivation: "the work shows mastery in the use of techniques and in the rendering of the material and artistic sensitivity in proposing through the abstract forms of stone the evocative message of the Eternal City".
WINNER II SECTION: Luca Pontassuglia, Trevi Fountain, video-installation, 2019
motivation: "the work shows a good technical ability in the use of the artistic medium, managing to evoke in an original and poetic way one of the places in Rome most consumed by mass tourism".
Reopening from April 26, 2021
to 6 June 2021
from Tuesday to Sunday 10.00-18.30
last admission half an hour before closing
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Call. 060608 (every day 9.00 - 19.00)